Friends Are Friends Forever !

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Grace (Lund) Heinrich & Family

Grace  -  Linda  -  Lana  -  Laurie

And then we grew to: Texans--10 and Minnesotans--10 with one Chicagoan.
Thanksgiving Dinner in Texas with deep-fried turkey
prepared by David, right front.
 The tie was broken with the addition of two new Texans--Kate and Caroline

Travel anytime...

my packing list is ready to activate at a moment's notice

One of many plays seen in Chicago
 The likenesses on these bronze statues to the pictures I remembered
were almost Little Rock.
 Sitting in Elvis' booth at the Arcade Restaurant in Memphis...the owners had painted a big Arcade sign on the mirror on the back wall so fans could not see Elvis sitting in the booth eating his favorite banana/peanut butter sandwich.
 My favorite man from history and his family at the Lincoln Museum in Springfield.
Out-of-this-world coconut shrimp at Macky's on Oahu.
I am very fortunate to be working very flexible hours as a bookkeeper, about 25 to 35 hours per week as needed, with a friend from my church
in Saint Paul