Friends Are Friends Forever !

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dave & Betty Wettstein share family photos

Our son, David, his wife Karlen, and our granddaughter, Melina. We are on a hike in the Cascades of WA. David works for Boeing in Seattle, Karlen works via the internet for a firm in Florida, and Melina is in the seventh grade.

Our son Jeffrey, wife Natorea, and three grandchildren, Jeffrey, Scott, and Daisy. Son Jeffrey works for a an east coast bank from Ventura,CA and the grandson Jeffrey is a senior, Scott is a sophomore, and Daisy a freshman. Grandson Jeff will be attending U. of CA at Berkeley in the fall.

The three CA grandchildren on their way to a school dance.

Betty and I are still in Palm Springs until the middle of June so we can attend our grandson's graduation.  I hear you still have snow, so will not be in a hurry for our trip to MN.

Looking forward to seeing old friends,   Dave Wettstein